

  • Cycle Length: 28,800 Seconds (8 Hours)

  • Advance() incentive: 100 LSD

  • DAO Lockup: 42 Cycle

  • LP Lockup: 9 Cycles

Supply Mechanics


  • Source: Pancakeswap BUSD/LSD pair

  • Method: Pancakeswap V2 Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP)

  • Oracle Minimum: 10,000 BUSD

  • Period: 1 Cycle (8 Hours)

Supply/Debt Expansion

TWAP above 1 BUSD (First Positive Rebase, previous cycles was negative Rebase)

  • Maximum Supply Expansion: 10%

  • Supply Expansion will cover the tickets sold first

  • Expansion Percentage: twapPrice - 1 * 100 or 10% (whichever is lower)

  • Expansion Distribution:

    • DAO: 25%

    • Pancakeswap LSD/BUSD LPs: 22%

    • Treasury: 3%

    • Pot Size: 50%

TWAP above 1 BUSD (Previous Rebase is also Positive)

  • Maximum Supply Expansion: 10%

  • Supply Expansion will cover the tickets sold first

  • Expansion Percentage: twapPrice - 1 * 100 or 10% (whichever is lower)

  • Expansion Distribution:

    • DAO: 45%

    • Pancakeswap LSD/BUSD LPs: 45%

    • Treasury: 3%

    • Bonus Pot : 7%

TWAP below 1 BUSD but greater than 0.5 BUSD

  • Ticket Supply Sale: None

  • Ticket Price: 1LSD = 1 Ticket

  • Expansion Distribution:

    • DAO: 0%

    • Redeemable: 0%

    • Pancakeswap LSD/BUSD LPs: 0%

    • Treasury: 0%

  • Ticket validatity: 1 use

  • Ticket date: first positive rebase


  • Lottery Prize: 50% of the expansion + Bonus pots accrued in previous cycles


Protocol Governance

  • Platform: LSD DAO

  • On-Chain: Yes

  • Voting Length: 9 Cycles

  • Proposal expiry: 3 Cycles (If not committed after successful vote)

  • Proposal Threshold: 0.5% of LSD bonded in the DAO

  • Voting Quorum: 20%

  • Super Majority: 66%

  • Emergency Delay: 6 Cycles

Treasury Governance

  • Platform: Snapshot Page

  • On-Chain: No

  • Voting Period: ~3 Days (Not enforced)

  • Proposal Threshold: 100,000 LSD bonded in the DAO or LP

  • Voting Quorum: None


LSD Token#

  • Address:

  • Symbol: LSD

  • Decimals: 18

  • Standard: BSC-20


  • Address:

  • Symbol: LSDS

  • Standard: None, it's an internal state.


  • Address:

  • Type: Gnosis Safe (Multi-signature)

  • Signers:

  • Threshold:

Pancakeswap LSD/BUSD Pair#

  • Address:

LSD/BUSD Rewards#

  • Address:

Last updated